Paxton Fellers
Meet Team Paxton Fellers!
Team Paxton Fellers’ family has known about Mamie’s Poppy Plates for years through Mamie’s mom and co-founder, Sarah. It wasn’t until this year that they became part of the club that no parent wants to be apart of when Paxton passed in January 2023. Paxton’s mom, Ronni, remembers leaving the hospital with an envelope to order his plate. The process was seamless.
She cherishes having his hand and foot prints and his plate is one of her greatest treasures. They started Team Paxton to pay it forward to others going through this very difficult time in their life.
They have shared their fundraising efforts on their Caring Bridge site. “So many people want tangible ways to show their love and donating is an easy, meaningful way to do so.”
They are looking forward to celebrating Paxton’s precious life and representing him at the Poppy Party. They are also excited to share Paxton’s favorite treat with everyone…DQ Dilly Bars!!
To read more or donate to Team Paxton Fellers - CLICK HERE