Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Mamie’s! As we continue to grow, we are changing how we process our plates. Mamie’s will now offer two volunteer shifts once a month for specially trained volunteers to finish out our plates. These shifts will be available for volunteers willing to go through a training process and make a monthly commitment.
This volunteer opportunity is for our consistent volunteers that have helped in the past at our community events. We don’t ask just anyone to participate in The Last Tuesday because it is very important to get it right for our parents who are grieving and so looking forward to receiving their plates. Our Last Tuesday volunteers will help place prints on plates and package for shipping. We also need our volunteers to catch any mistakes before shipping to keep costs down as we run our organization on 100% donations. The less money we spend on mistakes, the more parents we can serve. If you are interested in becoming one of our monthly volunteers, please e-mail
We will then have “community volunteer evenings" periodically. These will be open to everyone and will include packet preparation, building boxes, special projects, etc. Our community volunteer nights WILL NOT involve plate preparation. No artistic ability is needed and all 18 or older are welcome! We will post “community volunteer” opportunities on social media. There is limited space, so sign up early. If something comes up and you cannot attend please remove your sign up spot so it can be filled by another volunteer. Thank you and we look forward to serving alongside you! If you are interested in volunteering at one of our community volunteer nights, please e-mail
“I love my time volunteering at Mamie’s. It has given me a way to love on others who have experienced similar losses. Thank you!”
– Lindsey Woodward
“Thank you for letting me volunteer for such a wonderful cause! It was really great meeting all of you and I look forward to the next volunteer night. Your efforts to honor these Angels and their families is beyond words! Extraordinary!”
– Cindy Wallick